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One of the most famous yogic Asana is the Surya Namaskar which is a salutation to the sun. This Asana is performed generally at the time of sunrise, which according to the “Vedas” is considered to be the most ’spiritually favourable’ time of the day. You must always practice this Asana on a mat and not on the floor. 
The Surya Namaskar Asana is a series of various postures and breathing exercise. It is a whole workout in itself. A Surya Namaskar is done in the following way:
 In the first step, you should stand on a mat on the floor with your face in the direction of the sun. Both of your feet should be touching each other. Then, close your palms together at the level of the heart like when you say “Namaste”. Then, inhale and raise your arms with palms still in closed position, above your head and slowly bend backwards while bending your backbone backwards. 
In the third step, exhale slowly and bend forward while trying to touch the earth. Bend forward until your hands are in line with the feet and your head is touching your knees. 
Then, inhale and move your right leg back away from the body in a wide backward step. Put your hands and feet firmly on the ground, with the left foot between your hands and raise your head.
Stay in this position for few seconds and exhale. Then bring your left foot together with the right. Keep your arms straight and raise your hips and align your head with your arms, and try to form an arch.  Stay this way for few seconds and exhale. Then, lower your body to the floor until your feet, knees, hands, chest, and forehead are all touching the floor. Take a deep breath and raise your head upwards and bend backward as much as possible while keeping the rest of your body on the floor.  Then exhale and bring your left foot together with the right. Keep your arms straight, raise your hips and align the head with the arms, forming an upward arch. Again, take a deep breath and move your right leg backwards in a wide backward step. While keeping your hands and feet firmly on the ground, put your left foot between you hands and raise your head upwards. Then stand up straight and repeat the third step which is to exhale and touch your feet with your fingers while trying to bend as much as you can without bending your feet. Then repeat the second step, which is to inhale and close your palms near your heart and raise them above your head. Still in the same position, bend backwards as much as you can. And then go back to the first step which is to stand straight with both feet touching and palms closed like you are saying “Namaste”. 
Sumber: www.trainyoga.com